The Library
"Creativity is the greatest rebellion in the world."
Short Stories
This is a collection of various short stories featuring Dean/The Wildling and others.
Continuing Adventures
These are short stories on how Dean met some of the other residents of the multiverse. (These stories can be adopted as canon for how our characters met if you'd like.)
Open Starters
"Creativity is the greatest rebellion in the world."
Other Starters and Stories
"Creativity is the greatest rebellion in the world."
Section Title
"Creativity is the greatest rebellion in the world."
What Tomorrow May Bring
"You played me!" Johnny shouted, a hint of outrage and an edge of anger in his voice.Deanna huffed out a laugh and then responded. "Like the cheap kazoo you are!" she said, grinning brightly down at the blonde.
Featuring: Johnny Storm (HumanTorched4)
Luck Be a Lady

Featuring: Peter Parker
Deanna's eyes didn't focus on the words and she signed blindly, carefully monitoring her emotions and stuffing them all in boxes as they reeled past the forefront of her conscious thought.Dean didn't feel as if she was really there, her mind refusing to connect itself with her damaged body and all of the pain and confusion she was trying so hard to contain.
Vengeance Shall Be Mine
Spider-Man was one of the people that she loved, so having him held captive by a psychotic alternate version of Reed Richards was a very big wake-up call.Somewhere in the back of her mind Deanna had decided that she wasn't going to stand for it. The people that she loved were off limits and whatever fools decided that they were going to try and use them to get at The Wildling were going to be sorely mistaken.

Mentions: Peter Parker
The Maker (@UltimateMaker4)
Robert Black (OC)
She honestly didn't want to do anything but pull her hair and scream in frustration, but that was hardly productive.The aim of his words had been to push at her buttons and she had to admit that they were doing the job.They'd never recovered Robert's body so... what if he /was/ alive?
Money Don't Grow on Trees
"No money, Dean... But I may have a way to fix that." Robert told her thoughtfully before he motioned for her to sit with him on a bench.It took a while for him to explain just what he wanted Dean to do, but she caught on quickly. "But taking their money isn't nice. We have money." Dean said as she looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowed with concern.

Featuring: Robert Black (OC)
Better Living Through Chemistry

Featuring: Sleeper (@TheSpacePudding)
"/We/ need chocolate." the symbiote told her, having already noticed that the drop in his host's mood despite spending most of his time out of tune with the conscious world as he recovered.
"Chocolate and smoke... It's about time for me to try and kill myself again." she joked, having kept away from her favorite addiction because she'd been coughing up bits of blood and other grey things she'd breathed in from the collapsed building since they'd escaped
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary
Story Summary